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MayoStudenT (A), 9 images, 899.91 kb.

Click on the Image Thumbnail to view a full size version of the image.
Click on the filename to display the image in a new browser window.

P7100157.... 100 kb

Me and my new B&W 803S

P7110167.... 100 kb

803S' in place.

P7110172.... 100 kb

Maple Shade brass footers, Walker Resonance Control Discs

Mid_Mono.... 100 kb

Quicksilver Midmono-Gold Lion KT88s, Mullard 12AX7s, EH 6922s

P7110175.... 100 kb

Anticable Jumpers

P1010011.... 100 kb

September 17th 2008

P1010022.... 100 kb

Closeup of homemade stands

P9130015.... 100 kb

RMAF - One of my favorite rooms.

241250DSC... 100 kb

January 2005 - The Beginning

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