Stereophi... 30 kb
Kal Rubinson and Robert Deutsch of Stereophile
BobCurl.j... 19 kb
Here he is with Bolo, the infamous, Bob Crump along with Oakroot, Stephen and John Curl.
CjCatKalR... 18 kb
Clark Johnson, the Ubiquitious Marty DeWulf, Kal Rubinson and Rick Rosen.
A6010047.... 9 kb
Ralph Karsten from Atma-Ssphere shows Oakroot his skill with the AA yoyo
DennisHad... 31 kb
Dennis Had & new Cary Silver Oak Speaker
Josh1079.... 51 kb
Josh Stippich with his Art Deco Eimac 75TL amp
VitavoxCN... 15 kb
Klangfilm Bionor (Kl-L302 midrange driver and 2 KL-L405 bass drivers)
VitavoxCN... 16 kb
Klangfilm Bionor
DannyRitc... 33 kb
Danny Richie and Edp
JonathanC... 31 kb
Jonathan Carr with Imedia table/arm and Connoisseur linestage with phono
ImediaRPM... 25 kb
Imedia RPM with Imedia arm, $5,495
JonathanC... 23 kb
Jonathan Carr with Erodian Phono, target price under 4,000
OriginLiv... 19 kb
Origin Live Resolution table, £1979, with Silver 250 arm, £599
Teres1107... 27 kb
Teres Audio, kits and assembled products from $1,450
AudienceS... 21 kb
Richard Smith, audience
DMCmaybe1... 27 kb
Not sure, from Element room
Diva1176.... 29 kb
Diva Tian Zhu amps, $3,480, M-7 preamp, $2,880
Tenor75wp... 40 kb
Tenor 75 Wp monoblocks, $20,900
BrianChen... 36 kb
Brian Cheney and JamesBongiorno with Tech-TV CES Hi-end Product of the Year
CheneyTri... 45 kb
Brian Cheney, Spread Spectrum Technology Trinaural Processor, $1,500
CharlesHa... 36 kb
Charles Hansen of Ayre
Christoph... 41 kb
Christophe Cabasse with the Cabasse Kara. $14,000
JeffJosep... 21 kb
JeffJoseph with the Joseph Audio RM7si
KeithJoan... 35 kb
Keith and Joan Herron of Herron Audio with VPI table and Herron VTSP-1A Preamp, $3,995 and VTPH-1MC PLUS Phono, $3,250
Manley132... 55 kb
Manley Labs - Tube Recording Microphone
Manley132... 43 kb
Manley Labs - In the parts racks with finished case
Manley132... 52 kb
Manley Labs - Now what? More wiring?
Manley132... 58 kb
Manley Labs - Wiring and more wiring...
Manley132... 56 kb
Manley Labs - QC, hmmm why doesn't this one work?
Manley133... 35 kb
Manley Labs - EveAnna's office complete with dancing Elvis clock
DSCN1374R... 22 kb
Steve Rochlin and Dave Clark, look out Dave, here comes the wife.
DSCN1378J... 10 kb
Jon Ver Halen, Lowther America with new prototype, Mini-Medallion
DSCN1382H... 22 kb
Jim Hagerman with Phono Stage
DSCN1384J... 17 kb
Josh's Speaker/Sculpture, 70hz bass horn with rear integrated transmission line to 30hz
DSCN1385J... 16 kb
Josh's new amp with giant Russian tube
DSCN1406B... 15 kb
Da Band