RIAA_Resp... 26 kb
Shure V15VxMR Frequency Response
JIS_XV-1.... 18 kb
Dynavector DRT XV-1 Harmonic Distortion for Reference Level 1000-Hz 5-cm/s Lateral Velocity Test Tone
Response_... 15 kb
Dynavector DRT XV-1 Frequency Response
JIS_OC9.g... 18 kb
AT-OC9ML/II - Reference Level 5-cm/s Lateral
Freq_Res_... 25 kb
Frequency Response AT-OC9ML/II with 62-ohm Load
JIS_Shure... 18 kb
Shure V15VxMR Harmonic Distortion at Reference Level 1000-Hz, 5-cm/s Lateral Groove Velocity
Shure_200... 22 kb
200-Hz +12-dB Vertical Signal Modulating 3,945-Hz Sinewave
Peak_Musi... 8 kb
Peak Music Signal on Vinyl
V15_Elec_... 21 kb
Electrical Response Analysis for Shure V15VxMR
XV-1_Elec... 20 kb
Electrical Response Analysis for Dynavector DRT XV-1
47k_250pF... 36 kb
Shure V15VxMR Square Wave Response at recommended loading of 47k-ohms and 250-pF
98k_170pF... 40 kb
Shure V15VxMR Square Wave Response with 98k-ohm, 170-pF Loading
10M_155pF... 38 kb
Shure V15VxMR Square Wave Response with 10Meg-ohm, 155-pF Loading
V15_47k_2... 32 kb
Shure V15VxMR Response with recommended loading of 47k-ohms and 250-pF
V15_20k_2... 31 kb
Shure V15VxMR Response with special loading of 20k-ohms and 250-pF
V15_65k_1... 31 kb
Shure V15VxMR Response with special loading of 65k-ohms and 100-pF
OC9_IM_20... 23 kb
AT-OC9ML/II - Intermodulation Distortion - Vertically Modulated Groove
OC9_300Hz... 22 kb
AT-OC9ML/II - 300-Hz +18-dB Torture Track
AT_Cart_S... 15 kb
Noise_Xon... 22 kb
Noise measurement of Pass Labs Xono with nothing connected to its input.
Baerwlad_... 20 kb
Baerwald Alignment for 10-inch Tonearm
Baerwlad_... 19 kb
Tonearm Alignment with 66-mm and 68-mm Null-Points
OC9ML2_22... 31 kb
OC9ML/II Electrical Response with 220-pF Capacitive Load
OC9ML2_10... 28 kb
OC9ML/II Electrical Response with 10,000-pF Capacitive Load
Cartridge... 2 kb
Cartridge Circuit for electrical analysis
V15_64pF.... 28 kb
Shure V15VxMR Calculated Response with 64-pF Loading
V15_96pF.... 28 kb
Shure V15VxMR Calculated Response with 96-pF Loading
1000Hz_Os... 16 kb
Oscilloscope Screen Shot
Freq_Load... 7 kb
DL-103R Frequency Response Load Comparison
Marks_arm... 17 kb
Mark's tonearm
Baerwald.... 6 kb
Baerwald Alignment for 230-mm Effective Length Tonearm
HWalignme... 6 kb
Special Alignment: 68-mm Inner Null; 150-mm Outer Null
JK_Steven... 100 kb
J. K. Stevenson
Label2a.J... 66 kb
CD Stomper Paper Label
Baerwald-... 39 kb
Baerwald's Alignment for a 230-mm Effective Length Tonearm
Enjoythem... 40 kb
Enjoythemusic Protractor Alignment for a 230-mm Effective Length Tonearm
RIAA_Play... 13 kb
RIAA Playback Equalization
MC_100nF_... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 0.1-uF and 20-ohms
MC_100nF_... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 0.1-uF and 47k-ohms
MC_100nF_... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 0.1-uF and 100-ohms
MC_200pF_... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 200-pF and 47k-ohms
MC_200pF_... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 200-pF and 100-ohms
MC_1500pF... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 1.5-nF and 47k-ohms
MC_1500pF... 15 kb
Low Output MC cartridge loaded with 1.5-nF and 100-ohms
MM_10pF_4... 22 kb
High-Output MM cartridge loaded with 10-pF and 47k-ohms
MM_25pF_4... 22 kb
High-Output MM cartridge loaded with 25-pF and 47k-ohms
MM_250pF_... 23 kb
High-Output MM cartridge loaded with 250-pF and 47k-ohms
MM_1nF_47... 23 kb
High-Output MM cartridge loaded with 1-nF and 47k-ohms
1-kHz-57d... 20 kb
1-kHz, -57-dB, Undithered Sinusoidal Test Signal
1-kHz-57d... 17 kb
1-kHz, -57-dB, Dithered Sinusoidal Test Signal
1-kHz_0dB... 20 kb
1-kHz, 0-dB Full-Scale Sinusoidal Test Signal from Denon Test CD
354_Level... 9 kb
Reference Level: 3.54-cm/s RMS Velocity (Diagonal) Right Channel
Noise_Arm... 8 kb
Noise Floor with Tonearm in Armrest
Noise_LP_... 8 kb
Noise Floor with Stylus Resting On A Stationary Record
Noise_Bot... 9 kb
Noise Floor of Both Superimposed On Each Other
Noise_All... 11 kb
Noise Floor: All 3 Superimposed On Each Other
Cartridge... 22 kb
Cartridge Output for MM at 10k-ohm loading
Cartridge... 23 kb
Cartridge Output for MM at 47k-ohm loading
Cartridge... 23 kb
Cartridge Output for MM at 100k-ohm loading
Res_Curso... 23 kb
Statistics Function in Sound Forge 7.0
Res_Lat_P... 16 kb
Arm/Cartridge Resonance Lateral: SME V / AT33PTG
Res_Vert_... 20 kb
Tonearm Resonance Vertical: SME V / AT33PTG
AT33PTG_F... 100 kb
AT33PTG Frequency Response
AT33PTG_F... 26 kb
AT33PTG Frequency Response with 62-ohm Load
Spectrum_... 29 kb
AT33PTG Playing Music from Sheffield Lab Direct-to-Disc
Sheffield... 100 kb
Sheffield CDs
Sheffield... 63 kb
Sheffield Technical
Sq_wave.g... 6 kb
Mathematical Model Square Wave - No Phase Shift - Truncated at 21st Harmonic
Tek000.gif 6 kb
Square Wave from Kenwood AG-253 recorded by Alesis ML-9600 at 20/88, Downsampled to 16/44, and played back on Audio Alchemy DDS Pro / DDEv3.0
Tek005.gif 8 kb
Square Wave from Kenwood AG-253 recorded by Alesis ML-9600 at 20/88, Downsampled to 16/44, and played back on Audio Alchemy DDS Pro / DDEv3.0
Tek006.gif 7 kb
Square Wave from Kenwood AG-253 Signal Generator
Baerwald_... 6 kb
Baerwald Equations for Tonearm Alignment Geometry
MS8_3a.jpg 29 kb
AT MS-8 Headshell
Loefgren_... 18 kb
Loefgren B Alignment for Rega mounted at 222-mm
Stevenson... 18 kb
Stevenson's Alignment for Rega Tonearm mounted at 222-mm
Groove_Am... 13 kb
Maximum Groove Amplitudes on Real LPs
JMW-9_955... 18 kb
JMW-9 - Mounting Distance = 223-mm - Alignment Grid Angle = 95.5-degrees
JMW-10_95... 18 kb
JMW-10 & 10.5 - Mounting Distance = 250-mm - Alignment Grid Angle = 95.5-degrees
JMW-10-5i... 18 kb
JMW-10.5i - Mounting Distance = 262-mm - Alignment Grid Angle = 95.5-degrees
Resonance... 21 kb
DL-103R Resonance Test - Lateral Groove
Sota.jpg 100 kb
Sota Millennia Vacuum Turntable
Freq_Res_... 32 kb
Denon DL-S1 Frequency Response and Crosstalk Response
Expedit.j... 100 kb
Expedit Record Shelving Unit
YP-D71.gif 61 kb
Cartridge Alignment Instructions for Yamaha YP-D71 Turntable
DL-S1_547... 45 kb
Denon DL-S1 S/N 5476 Frequency Response and Crosstalk Response
DL-S1_547... 33 kb
Denon DL-S1 S/N 5476 Frequency and Crosstalk Response w/Azimuth 0.5-degree
DL-S1_547... 44 kb
Denon DL-S1 S/N 5476 Frequency and Crosstalk Response w/Azimuth 0.3-degree
DL-S1_Fre... 100 kb
Denon DL-S1 Frequency Response Curve Supplied by Denon
DL-110_FR... 22 kb
Theoretical DL-110 Frequency Response based on Hagerman's Model
DL-110_FR... 22 kb
Theoretical DL-110 Frequency Response based on Hagerman's Model
Eroica_FR... 22 kb
Eroica Theoretical Frequency Response based on Hagerman's Model
Eroica_FR... 22 kb
Eroica Theoretical Frequency Response based on Hagerman's Model
Sota_3.jpg 100 kb
Sota Millennia Vacuum / SME V / Denon DL-S1 Cartridge
DL-S1_547... 44 kb
Individual Spot Frequency Measurements
XV-1_Deno... 33 kb
Frequency Response of XV-1 using Denon Test Record
XV-1_Card... 25 kb
Frequency Response of XV-1 using Cardas Test Record
VPI_Direc... 19 kb
Löfgren's A tonearm alignment for VPI's new direct drive turntable
Hearing-T... 24 kb
Hearing Test
Sota_OC9.... 100 kb
Sota Millennia Vacuum / SME V / AT-OC9ML/II
SL-1200_Y... 100 kb
SL-1200 Mk2 with Yaqin MS-22B phono stage and Bob's Devices 1131 SUT
Kuzma_4_P... 19 kb
Kuzma 4-Point Löfgren A alignment
Millennia... 100 kb
Sota Millennia Vacuum with Phoneix Engineering's RoadRunner Tachometer
Ikeda_IT-... 19 kb
Ikeda IT-407 Tonearm Alignment
SOTA_2-12... 100 kb
Sota Millennia with Dynavector XV-1
Lofgren_A... 19 kb
Löfgren "A" Alignment
Guru.gif 19 kb
Allen's Guru Alignment
A21.jpg 100 kb
Parasound Halo A21 and Thiel CS3.7
RIAA_Reco... 42 kb
RIAA Record Equalization and 0-dB Groove Amplitude
Groove_Am... 2 kb
Calculating RMS Velocity from Average Velocity
Groove_Am... 3 kb
Calculating RMS and Peak Velocity from Average Velocity
Parasound... 100 kb
Thiel CS3.7 Speaker and Parasound Halo A21 Power Amplifier
tracking_... 6 kb
Equation for Distortion from Tracking Error
ps_audio_... 100 kb
My System with PS Audio Stellar M1200 Monoblock Amplifiers
ps_audio_... 100 kb
PS Audio Stellar M1200 Monoblock Amplifiers
pm1_near-... 100 kb
B&W PM1 in Nearfield Configuration
pm1_near-... 100 kb
B&W PM1 Speakers in Nearfield Configuration
maggie_3b... 100 kb
Mini Maggie System
mini_magg... 69 kb
Mini Maggie Speaker System 1 - Near Field Listening
mini_magg... 81 kb
Mini Maggie Speaker System 2 - Near Field Listening
mini_magg... 84 kb
Mini Maggie Speaker System 3 - Near Field Listening