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Aikido Phono (12AX7, 12AT7) and Preamp (6CG7) with common power supply
aikido phono and preamp boards and power supply
aikido power supply schematic
6AM4 parafeed linestage
6AM4 parafeed linestage underside view
6AM4 parafeed linestage power supply schematic
6AM4 parafeed linestage signal schematic
Bottlehead 300B Paramounts
Foreplay III Preamplifier before extended modification
Paramounts-Front View
Bottlehead Foreplay III and Seduction-underside
c4s Seduction with extended Foreplay III
Extended Foreplay III with Goldpoint 20K attenuators and Voltsecond input resistor mod
Bottlehead Straight 8s with lacewood veneer (original on right, ribbon tweeter version on left)
subwoofer with straight 8
Gary Kaufman 6S4A integrated amplifier
layout planning
Gary Kaufman 6S4A integrated amplifier-back view
power supply and 1 channel