100_0043.... 100 kb
Lord of the Ribs, aka The Ribmeister 6-5-04
100_0044.... 100 kb
Penguin (pimpin' his new T-shirt), Big Dave, Jim E., Grover.
100_0040.... 100 kb
bwk outside the tent, looking in.
100_0039.... 100 kb
Penguin, Dean, and "Little Bob"
lasvegas.... 100 kb
Who let these guys out? 9-27-03
ATT00133[... 100 kb
You never know what you'll find in the aisles at Wal-Mart
angry_wom... 14 kb
He ain't henpecked--his wife told me so
scan1.jpg 100 kb
Ransom note from Mars
100_0118.... 43 kb
Diane is amused at something--no, that's not a hat
100_0120.... 38 kb
Clockwise: Sordidman (back to camera), Muzikmike,Barb, psgary, bwk, Diane, Grover
100_0122.... 35 kb
Grover, bwk, Sordidman, psgary, Muzikmike
100_0123.... 35 kb
Muzikmike, unfazed
100_0124.... 37 kb
Big Dave (seated), Fritz and Sordidman discuss some of Fritz's creations
100_0126.... 45 kb
Preparing for the listening session
100_0128.... 38 kb
Sordidman and axolotl
100_0129.... 36 kb
Diane is thrilled at bwk's camera skills; Muzikmike less than thrilled with his own computer skills.